Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Dinner -
Monday, December 16, 2019, 6:30 PM
To pay Basic Sisterhood Membership ($40) click here.
To pay Goodwill Sisterhood Membership (includes dinner) ($75) click here.
To pay for Paid-up Sisterhood Membership dinner ($20) click here.
To pay for Basic Sisterhood Membership and dinner ($60) click here.
King David Cemetery Plots
What if…
Imagine a looking glass that would allow you to see the future…to time decisions and make plans according to your schedule.
Although you can’t foresee what’s ahead, you can plan for it, enjoy peace of mind and make the future a reflection of the way you choose to live your life.
Thanks to Temple Sinai, the power of prearranged planning for the grave site is in your hands. Tomorrow’s decisions are handled today, freeing loved ones from sudden and potentially expensive decisions.

Why prearrange?
Prearranging your funeral makes financial and emotional sense.
“The benefits of making decisions for prearrangement plans while in a state of calm and lucid understanding clearly are superior to the burdens of making those same decisions upon the heels of a loved one’s death. The financial gains, special comfort and feeling of security that a pre-need decision brings vastly outweighs the ambivalent numbness and grief stricken thinking of decisions at the time of need.” -PCEA Vol. 14, No. 2, July 2004
This year, as part of a growing trend, over one million Americans will prearrange their funerals. With funeral costs on the rise, these consumers will recognize the value of locking in the cost of their funeral as well as securing a desired grave location. Prearranging also relieves their families of the burden of making financial decisions at the time of their passing – an extremely emotional time for all.
A real estate price that has not declined.
Not all investments during the past few years have been profitable. Anyone who has invested in housing, land, stocks or bonds has have seen their investment significantly reduced. Many individuals have not yet invested in cemetery plots that they will have a need for in the future – land that will cost substantially more when the time of need comes. This is an investment that will provide your family with peace of mind and enable the family to make a decision without being under additional stress. This investment will help both you and your synagogue.
Act now…..
Since 1954, Temple Sinai has owned 1,000 grave sites in Sections I & R of King David Memorial Park.
King David Memorial Park is located at Neshaminy Boulevard and Bristal Road in Bensalem, PA – about five minutes from Route 1 and the PA Turnpike next to the Neshaminy Mall. The approximately 400 lots remaining are available for purchase from Temple Sinai for an extremely nominal amount, far less than the cost at surrounding cemeteries.
For additional information, please contact the Temple Sinai Office at 215-643-6510 ext. 103.