Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Dinner -
Monday, December 16, 2019, 6:30 PM
To pay Basic Sisterhood Membership ($40) click here.
To pay Goodwill Sisterhood Membership (includes dinner) ($75) click here.
To pay for Paid-up Sisterhood Membership dinner ($20) click here.
To pay for Basic Sisterhood Membership and dinner ($60) click here.
Cook For a Friend
Our Cook for a Friend program is one of several dozen in the area preparing Kosher Meals on Wheels. Our program serves seniors who wish to age in place, and live independently in their homes. Our group meets monthly on a Thursday morning, and we prepare approximately 140 dinners, which are then delivered to the Klein JCC for distribution. In all, we are proud to say that the program produces and distributes approximately 50,000 meals per year.

How to get involved: We’d love to have you participate, whether it’s every month or just occasionally. The preparations begin in the Temple Sinai kitchen from 7:00-9:30am. If you can't get there right at 7:00am, please join us anyway as there is always plenty to do. You can also volunteer for the Kosher Meals on Wheels program by picking up meals from the Klein JCC and delivering them to the elderly recipients. For more information, contact Sue Aistrop at 215-698-7300, ext. 196, or
Contacting us:
If you have any questions about how the program works, or how to get involved, please call the main office to leave a message for Beth Heyman. If you would like to be placed on our email list for cooking date reminders, please let us know!