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Adult Education Classes

The world of Adult Education at Temple Sinai

Book Club, Hazak, Cultural Series, Sisterhood,  Men's Club. Jewish learning does not stop after your Bar or Bat Mitzvah, it is a life long journey. Temple Sinai has opportunities for all to continue their Jewish education. See below for a list of our Adult Education classes.

Please join us for a variety of Adult Education Classes with Rabbi Adam Wohlberg, Rabbi Sam Hollander, Shira Weissbach, and Faith Rubin.  These classes are free and open to all!

Exploring Our World Through A Jewish Lens: with Rabbi Adam Wohlberg

Wednesday mornings 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM, Online 

Click here for articles for Rabbi's Online Classes                                                  

Creative Crafting

Mondays at 1:00pm

Crafting Group creates projects for family as well as for tzedakah, charitable organizations.

Previously Recorded Events         

To view a previously recorded event, click on the event to view the image and click "view link" at the bottom of the image.

Jews and Blacks in the Civil Rights Era and Now
Midrash and Fact

Pirkei Avot

Wisdom of the Sages with
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
Session 1 - 8/6/20

Pirkei Avot

Wisdom of the Sages with
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
Session 2 - 8/13/20

1401 North Limekiln Pike

Dresher, PA 19025

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Tel. 215-643-6510

© 2019 Temple Sinai of Dresher, PA

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